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Book Recommendations

My most recent new book... I love this one. It made me feel seen and validated and I completely nerded out on this one. I'm a "friction fixer" as they are referred to in this book and I felt like this finally helped me clearly articulate all of the things I've gathered and collected over the years. Whenever I would tell people I was in continuous improvement, the assumption was immediately Six Sigma, Lean, etc, but that was such a small part of my work and this book does a great job of communicating the role of a friction fixer outside of the tools that are used, the challenges that organizations face with friction while organizing information to develop viable solutions to problems.


If you're a fixer, definitely pick up this book.

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I've worked with a lot of people and teams struggling with burn out, energy depletion and general frustration. I've recommended this book to TONS of people. A lot like Cy Wakeman's work, this book really focuses on being clear and firm in your intentions to reduce the drama without biting your tongue until it bleeds. Setting healthy boundaries is super important to happy and healthy lives both personally and professionally, and that applies to leaders and teams too.

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Anything by Cy Wakeman is generally worth a read for anyone in a workplace. Or society in general. This is actually one of her later books, so if you've never heard of her, I suggest picking up a copy of "Reality Based Leadership: Ditch the Drama, Restore Sanity to the Workplace, and Turn Excuses into Results".


No bullshit advice for organizations who are looking to cut the bullshit, empower people and work together more effectively. 

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Ha, this one punched me in the gut at one point a few years ago.  It guides you through an exercise of the "Health/Work/Play/Love Dashboard" to see how balanced your current life is before you set out designing a "well-lived, joyful life". 


Let's just say my results left a lot to be desired. I'm a big fan of work-life balance and living while we're here to do it and this book is refreshing because it is truly talking about your life and all of those things it encompasses. 

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