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Free Resources

I like free stuff. There are so many great resources our there from all the brilliant souls that have come before us. When I find something I think is helpful, I like to pass it along with the adaptations or interpretations I've used with it in case you also might find it helpful. I'll also share books, websites & resources that I'm reading in case you like them too.


I have a lot of "helpful" things floating around my brain and in the piles on my desk that I'm working to get out here.  I'll post them as I finish them, but in the meantime, bare with me while I juggle the different aspects of a new business.


Self awareness exercise based on personality test

Personality Test Exercise:
for individuals and teams

To help you cultivate and enhance your self awareness, this free, downloadable exercise uses 16 Personalities, a free online personatliyt test.  Paired with several of my reflective prompts, this exerise can be used individually or with your team to share and discuss personality types. The reflective prompts will help you to learn more about yourself and your team, appreciate each other's differences and leverage each other's strengths to work together more effectively and harmoniously.

I have a lot of books and I read a lot. I prefer a good fiction to crawl into, but occasionally I find a development book that really resonates, and when I do, I'll share them here.

Books I recommend
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